Archive JourneysBloomsbury

TimelineBiographiesBloomsbury GroupArtquizbFurther Information


The Bloomsbury Group was the name given to the group of artists, writers and intellectuals who began to meet at the London home of Vanessa Bell and her brothers and sister in 1905, to share ideas and support each other's creative activities. These meetings continued for the next three decades, but with the deaths of key members in the 1930s and 1940s, the group lost its cohesion, although individual members remained friends and continued their creative careers.

Why 'Bloomsbury'?

The name 'Bloomsbury' was first attached to the group in 1912 when Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant and other young artist associates, exhibited work at the Post-Impressionist Exhibition. It referred to the area in which they lived and worked; Bloomsbury is a district of garden squares surrounded by elegant town houses in central London.
Bloomsbury artists and friends
Bloomsbury artists and friends

© Tate Archive, 2003