The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1

Harold Gilman, ‘Letters to the Editor. “Sickert and Neo-Realism.”’

The New Age, 25 June 1914, pp.190–1.

Sir, – Mr. Sickert so deliberately misrepresents me in his article, “The Thickest Painters in London,” that as I cannot expect many people to read again all the paragraphs about thick paint and Mr. Lamb, mixed up with couplets of music-hall songs which he has written, and still has my letter, I will say simply what I did say.
I said or implied that it is as right for one man to paint thick as for another to paint thin. I said this in defence of Mr. Ginner.
The creed of a Neo-realist, which he seems to be inte- [end of p.190] rested in, is individualist, and, consequently, tolerant.
Critics have become so discredited now that it is interesting to know that the painters of the last generation were depressed, and, still more wonderful, elated by their opinions. Hence, the modern critic’s utter lack of the sense of responsibility.
Harold Gilman.

How to cite

Harold Gilman, ‘Letters to the Editor. “Sickert and Neo-Realism.”’, in The New Age, 25 June 1914, pp.190–1, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 20 September 2024.