The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1

Reviews of the Camden Town Group exhibitions 1911–1912


1911‘The Camden Wonders’, Morning Post, 3 June 1911.
1911Frank Rutter, ‘Round the Galleries. Other Exhibitions’, Sunday Times, 11 June 1911, p.17.
1911‘A New Art Society. The Camden Town “Dissolving” Group’, Daily Graphic, 13 June 1911, p.7.
1911‘“Art Anarchists.” Exhibition of Pictures by the Camden Town Group’, Morning Leader, 15 June 1911.
1911A., ‘An Art Experiment. Exhibition of the New “Camden Town Group.”’, Daily Graphic, 15 June 1911, p.19.
1911‘The Camden Town Group’, Glasgow Herald, 16 June 1911, p.9.
1911‘The “Camden Town Group.”’, Daily News, 17 June 1911, p.3.
1911‘Round the Galleries’, Sunday Times, 18 June 1911, p.16.
1911‘The Camden Town Group’, Globe, 21 June 1911.
1911‘In the Picture Galleries. The Camden Town Group’, World, 21 June 1911.
1911‘The Camden Town Group’, Manchester Courier, 21 June 1911, p.6.
1911‘The Camden Town Group. Interesting Pictures’, Daily Telegraph, 22 June 1911, p.8.
1911‘The Carfax Gallery’, Queen, 24 June 1911.
1911[?Walter Bayes], ‘The Camden Town Group’, Athenæum, [?24 June 1911].
1911‘Round the Galleries’, Sunday Times, 25 June 1911, p.5.
1911‘A North o’ Euston School’, Manchester Guardian, 28 June 1911.
1911‘Art. Reality and Romance’, Truth, 28 June 1911.
1911‘The Camden Town Group’, The Bazaar, The Exchange and Mart, 30 June 1911, p.1319.
1911Birmingham Daily Post, 4 July 1911.
1911Desmond MacCarthy, ‘Mr. Walter Sickert and the Camden Town Group’, Eye-Witness, 6 July 1911, pp.83–4.
1911Charles Lewis Hind, ‘Hedgehog Art. At the Stafford and Carfax Galleries’, Daily Chronicle, 8 July 1911.
1911E.S. [?Edward Storer], ‘Art’, Commentator, 12 July 1911, p.119.
1911E. M., ‘Art Notes’, Illustrated London News, 15 July 1911.
1911M. S., ‘Other Exhibitions. The Camden Town Group’, Art News, 15 July 1911, p.78.
1911Frank Rutter, ‘Round the Galleries’, Sunday Times, 3 December 1911, p.16.
1911‘The Camden Town Group’, Glasgow Herald, 4 December 1911, p.9.
1911Charles Marriott, ‘Here and Now’, Evening Standard and St James’s Gazette, 6 December 1911, p.5.
1911‘The Carfax Gallery’, Westminster Gazette, 6 December 1911.
1911‘The Carfax Gallery’, Queen, 9 December 1911.
1911[?Walter Bayes], ‘The Camden Town Group’, Athenæum, 9 December 1911.
1911James Bolivar Manson, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Outlook, 9 December 1911, pp.823–4.
1911‘Picture Shows. The Camden Town Group’, Times, 11 December 1911, p.12.
1911Sir Claude Phillips, ‘Art Exhibitions. The Camden Town Group’, Daily Telegraph, 14 December 1911, p.16.
1911Truth, 14 December 1911.
1911C.H. Collins Baker, ‘The Muralists and Realists’, Saturday Review, 23 December 1911.
1911Huntly Carter, ‘Art and Drama’, New Age, 28 December 1911, p.203.
1912Edward Storer, ‘Art’, Commentator, 11 November 1912.
1912‘The Camden Town Group’, Yorkshire Observer, 1 December 1912.
1912Charles Marriott, ‘Notes on Art Exhibitions’, Evening Standard and St. James’s Gazette, 6 December 1912, p.10.
1912‘Camden Town Group Exhibition’, Nottingham Guardian, 9 December 1912.
1912A.J. Finberg, ‘Art and Artists. The Camden Town Group and Others’, Star, 10 December 1912.
1912‘Geometric Art’, Glasgow Herald, 10 December 1912.
1912G.R.H., ‘Gallery and Studio. The Camden Town Group’, Pall Mall Gazette, 12 December 1912, p.7.
1912‘The Carfax Gallery’, Queen, 14 December 1912.
1912[?Walter Bayes], ‘The Camden Town Group’, Athenæum, 14 December 1912.
1912James Bolivar Manson, ‘London Impressionists’, Outlook, 14 December 1912, pp.794–5.
1912‘The Camden Town Group’, Morning Post, 17 December 1912.
1912Sir Claude Phillips, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Daily Telegraph, 17 December 1912, p.14.
1912‘The Camden Town Group. Exhibition at the Carfax Gallery’, Times, 19 December 1912, p.9.
1912Charles Lewis Hind, Daily Chronicle, 19 December 1912.
1912Observer, 22 December 1912.
1912W.R., ‘Round the Galleries. The Camden Town Group’, Sunday Times, 29 December 1912, p.6
1913‘Camden Town in Miniature’, Yorkshire Daily Observer, 10 January 1913.
1913‘Art in Brighton. A Startling Exhibition: Beauty and Brutality’, Sussex Daily News, 16 December 1913.
1913‘Revolutionaries in Art. Impressionist Opens the Brighton Exhibition: His Views on the New School’, Sussex Daily News, 17 December 1913.
1913G.R.H., ‘The “London Group” [sic] at Brighton’, Sussex Daily News, 18 December 1913.

How to cite

‘Reviews of the Camden Town Group exhibitions 1911–1912, Bibliography’, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 21 September 2024.