The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1



1910Huntly Carter, ‘Art’, New Age, 27 January 1910, pp.307–8.
1910Huntly Carter, ‘Art’, New Age, 9 June 1910, pp.135–6.
1914‘Paintings by the Camden Town Group’, Athenæum, no.4504, 21 February 1914, p.281.
1922Gerrard Gwathmey, ‘A Group of English Art Rebels: Gilman, Ginner, Bevan and Others and What They Stand For’, Arts & Decoration, August 1922, pp.252–3.
1930Frank Rutter, ‘Camden Town Group: A Vital Movement’, Sunday Times, 19 January 1930.
1930A.D., ‘Camden Town Group. “Review” of a Short Career: Show at Leicester Galleries’, Daily Telegraph, 21 January 1930.
1930Walter Bayes, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Saturday Review, 25 January 1930, pp.100–1.
1930Louis Fergusson, ‘Souvenir of Camden Town: A Commemorative Exhibition’, Studio, vol.90, February 1930, pp.111–19.
1943Albert Rutherston, ‘From Orpen and Gore to the Camden Town Group’, Burlington Magazine, vol.83, no.485, August 1943, pp.201–5.
1945Charles Ginner, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Studio, vol.130, no.632, November 1945, pp.129–36.
1950Maurice de Sausmarez, ‘The Camden Town Group: Pictures in the Leeds Collection’, Leeds Art Calendar, vol.5, no.12, Spring 1950, pp.10–22, 28.
1950Wyndham Lewis, ‘Round the London Art Galleries’, Listener, vol.54, no.1132, 9 November 1950, p.508; reproduced in Walter Michel and C.J. Fox (eds.), Wyndham Lewis on Art: Collected Writings 1913–1956, Thames & Hudson, London 1969, pp.447–8.
1950Maurice de Sausmarez, ‘Letter: The Camden Town Group’, Listener, vol.44, no.1134, 23 November 1950, p.597.
1950Wyndham Lewis, ‘Letter: Henry Moore’s “Head of a Child”’, Listener, vol.44, no.1135, 30 November 1950, p.647.
1951Benedict Nicolson, ‘Sickert and Camden Town’, Burlington Magazine, September 1951, pp.303–4.
1954Hubert Wellington, ‘With Sickert in Dieppe’, Listener, vol.52, no.1347, 23 December 1954, pp.1110–12.
1955‘English Painting: Spencer Gore and the Camden Town Group’, Times, 8 November 1955.
1960Cyril Connolly, ‘Degas of Camden Town’, Times, 29 May 1960.
1960Andrew Forge, ‘The Confident Artist’, Listener, vol.43, no.1629, 16 June 1960, pp.1051–2.
1962Kenneth Garlick, ‘Nearly Art History’, Guardian, 8 January 1962.
1962‘Camden Town Group 50 Years After’, Times, 15 February 1962.
1962‘Camden Town Artists at the Ashmolean’, Times, 23 February 1962.
1962Ronald Pickvance, ‘The Magic of the Halls and Sickert’, Apollo, vol.76, no.2, April 1962, pp.107–15.
1962–3Quentin Bell, ‘The Camden Town Group, 1: Sickert and the Post-Impressionists’, Motif, no.10, Winter 1962–3, pp.36–51.
1963–4Quentin Bell, ‘The Camden Town Group, 2: Opposition and Composition’, Motif, no.11, Winter 1963–4, pp.68–85.
1964Quentin Bell, ‘An Unlikely Alliance’, Sunday Times Colour Supplement, 12 July 1964.
1967Denys Sutton, ‘The Watershed’, Financial Times, 7 March 1967.
1973Christopher Neve, ‘The Camden Town Juvenile Lead: Walter Richard Sickert’, Country Life, vol.153, no.3961, 24 May 1973, pp.1460–1.
1973Richard Cork, ‘Now Hysterical, Now Dull – Sickert’s Snatched Moments’, Evening Standard, 31 May 1973.
1973Ronald Pickvance, ‘Painterly Progress’, New Statesman, 1 June 1973, p.818.
1973Frank Auerbach, ‘Homage to Sickert’, Listener, 14 June 1973, vol.89, no.2307, p.807.
1974Charles Harrison, ‘The Origins of Modernism in England’, Studio International, vol.188, no.969, September 1974, pp.75–82.
1975William Gaunt, ‘The Bevan Collection’, Times, 15 April 1975.
1975William Feaver, ‘The Bevan Collection’, Financial Times, 26 April 1975.
1976William Feaver, ‘Spirals of Advance’, Observer, 24 October 1976, p.30.
1976Wendy Baron, ‘Camden Town Crusaders’, Sunday Times Magazine, 24 October 1976, pp.68–71.
1976‘In and About Old Camden Town’, Times, 26 October 1976, p.12.
1976Richard Cork, ‘How Excitingly Drab!’, Evening Standard, 28 October 1976.
1976William Packer, ‘From Camden Town to Euston Square’, Financial Times, 28 October 1976, p.3.
1976John McEwen, ‘Provincialism’, Spectator, 6 November 1976, p.45.
1979Neil MacMillan, ‘8 Fitzroy Square: Walter Richard Sickert and the Camden Town Group’, Vanguard, vol.8, no.3, April 1979, pp.6–10.
1979Richard Shone, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Burlington Magazine, vol.121, no.919, October 1979, pp.662.
1979Charles Harrison, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Art Monthly, no.31, November 1979, pp.7–8.
1979Christopher Neve, ‘Everyday London Revisited: The View from Camden Town’, Country Life, vol.166, no.4297, 15 November 1979, pp.1734–5.
1980Quentin Bell, ‘Old Masters of the Northern Line’, Sunday Times, 27 January 1980, p.43.
1980Peter Quennell, ‘Success of Sickert’, Financial Times, 9 February 1980, p.18.
1980Terence Mullaly, ‘New Old Masters’, Daily Telegraph, 21 February 1980, p.14.
1980Bernard Dunstan, ‘Camden Town Revisited’, Artist, vol.95, no.589/3, March 1980, pp.8–9.
1980Frances Spalding, ‘The Poetry of Blight’, Times Literary Supplement, 2 May 1980, p.506.
1980Wendy Baron, ‘The Perversity of Walter Sickert’, Arts Magazine, vol.55, no.1, September 1980, pp.125–9.
1980Samuel Hynes, ‘Camden Town and Its Literary Context’, Arts Magazine, vol.55, no.1, September 1980, pp.130–4.
1981John Russell Taylor, ‘Was Gilman the Pick of Camden Town?’, Times, 20 October 1981, p.14.
1981Frances Spalding, ‘Storms in a Teapot’, Times Literary Supplement, 23 October 1981, p.1234.
1982Michael Clarke, ‘Paint Force’, Times Educational Supplement, 26 March 1982, p.25.
1988‘Agreeing to Differ in Camden’, Sunday Times, 3 January 1988.
1994Andrew Stephenson, ‘Buttressing Bohemian Mystiques and Bandaging Masculine Anxieties’, Art History, vol.17, no.2, June 1994, pp.269–78.
2001Richard Shone, Review of Perfect Moderns: The Camden Town Group by Wendy Baron, Burlington Magazine, vol.143, no.1174, January 2001, p.39.
2001Marc Werner, ‘City Limits’, Art Review, vol.53, March 2001, pp.30–5.
2003Wendy Baron, ‘The Many Faces of Dora Sly’, Burlington Magazine, vol.145, no.1204, July 2003, pp.516–19.
2006David Fraser Jenkins, ‘Edward Hopper and British Artists’, Tate Papers, issue 6, Autumn 2006,
2008Michael Glover, ‘Capital Fellows’, Independent, 21 January 2008, pp.14–15.
2008Richard Dorment, ‘The Painters Who Lit Up the Streets’, Daily Telegraph, 12 February 2008.
2008Morgan Falconer, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Lady, 12–18 February 2008, pp.32–3.
2008Michael Palin, ‘Sex, Grime, Murder. Now That’s What I Call Fine Art’, Daily Mail: Weekend, 16 February 2008, p.25.
2008Jackie Wullschlager, ‘Sickert Rescues Camden Town’, Financial Times, 16–17 February 2008, p.18.
2008Laura Cumming, ‘Ce n’est pas the real thing ...’, Observer, 17 February 2008, p.17.
2008Michael Glover, ‘The Seamy Side of London Town’, Independent, 18 February 2008, p.20.
2008Andrew Lambirth, ‘Velvet Revolutionaries’, Spectator, 8 March 2008, pp.49–50.
2008Philip Hensher, ‘When Daily Life Had Real Style’, Mail on Sunday, 23 March 2008, p.58.
2008Christopher Reid, ‘Truly un-modern’, Times Literary Supplement, 28 March 2008, p.7.
2008Theresa Thompson, ‘Not Such a Strong Impression’, Oxford Times, 28 March 2008.
2008Emmanuel Cooper, ‘Keeping it Real, Serious and Contemporary in Camden’, Tribune, 11 April 2008, p.25.
2008James Beechey, ‘Dealing “joyously with gross material facts”’, Tate Magazine, no.12, Spring 2008.

How to cite

‘Articles, Bibliography’, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 23 September 2024.