Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity

ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2

Wells Coates Letter to Henry Moore with announcement about Unit One 26 November 1934

In 1932 Henry Moore became involved in the formation of a new artistic coalition. The brainchild of painter Paul Nash, Unit One sought to exhibit and champion the work of a diverse group of artists, architects and designers for the furtherance of a British school of modern art. The group’s first exhibition took place at the Mayor Gallery, London, in April 1934, and it subsequently toured to six cities including Swansea, Manchester and Belfast.
Owing to the diverse interests of its members, the group found achieving a consensus difficult, and in 1934 new elections were held to decide membership of the new committee. As Herbert Read’s announcement states, only Paul Nash and Henry Moore received the unanimous vote required to secure their place on the committee. Nash and Moore invited the architect Wells Coates and the critic Read to join the committee, but by late May 1935 it was decided that further attempts at re-organising the group were futile.


[Typescript: ]
Herbert Read has announced that Henry Moore and Paul Nash have received the unanimous vote.
 They have agreed to invite Wells Coates to join them, so that from the beginning the three arts are represented in re-making Unit One. He has accepted.
 A plan for the reconstruction of the group is to follow. [End of p.1]
26 November 1934                                 Unit One
Henry Moore Esq.,
11a Parkhill Road, N.W.3.
Dear Henry,
 Here is what I have sent Paul. I have also sent out the short announcement, your copy of which herewith.
 We must meet again soon. Will you ring up to fix a time?
              Yours ever

How to cite

Wells Coates, Letter to Henry Moore with announcement about Unit One, 26 November 1934, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/henry-moore/wells-coates-letter-to-henry-moore-with-announcement-about-unit-one-r1145410, accessed 27 July 2024.