Joseph Mallord William Turner Deal, Kent c.1825
Joseph Mallord William Turner,
Deal, Kent
Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775–1851
Deal, Kent c.1825
Turner Bequest CCLXIII 287
Turner Bequest CCLXIII 287
Watercolour on white wove paper, 189 x 230 mm
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram towards bottom right
Stamped in black ‘CCLXIII – 287’ bottom right
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram towards bottom right
Stamped in black ‘CCLXIII – 287’ bottom right
Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
Exhibition history
British Painting from Hogarth to Turner, British Council tour, Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Kunsternernes Hus, Oslo, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, 1949–50 (106, as ‘Scene on the English Coast’, reproduced).
Watercolours from the Turner Bequest [Loan Series D], County Borough of Swansea Art Galleries, October–December 1952 (no catalogue but frame no.7, as ‘Scene on the English Coast’).
Turner 1775–1851, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, December 1978–February 1979 (68, as ‘Scene on the English Coast’, reproduced).
Exposicion del gran pintor ingles, William Turner: Oleos y acuarelas: Collecciones de la Tate Gallery, British Museum y otros museos ingleses, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, August–September 1979 (BM66, as ‘Escena de la costa inglesa’, c.1820, reproduced).
Oleos y acuarelas de Joseph Mallord William Turner, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, October[–?November] 1979 (BM 66, as ‘Escena de la costa inglesa’, c.1820).
Turner and the Sea: Watercolours from the Turner Bequest, Loaned by the British Museum, Tate Gallery, London, January–June 1982 (no catalogue, as ‘Buildings on the Coast’).
Turner’s Watercolour Explorations 1810–1842, Tate Gallery, London, February–June 1997, Southampton City Art Gallery, June–September (44, as ‘Study for “Deal, Kent”?’, c.1825, reproduced in colour).
Turner and Kent, Royal Museum & Art Gallery, Canterbury, September/October–November 2001 (not in catalogue).
Colour and Line: Turner’s Experiments [third hang], Tate Britain, London, October 2008–December 2009 (no catalogue, as ‘?Study for “Deal, Kent”’).
Making Painting: Helen Frankenthaler & J.M.W. Turner, Turner Contemporary, Margate, January–May 2014 (24, as ‘?Study for “Deal, Kent”’, c.1825).
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.II, p.836, CCLXIII 287, as ‘Buildings on the coast’, c.1820–30.
British Painting from Hogarth to Turner, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle, Hamburg 1949, p.34 no.106, as ‘Scene on the English Coast’, c.1820, pl.XVI.
John Sillevis, Nini Jonker and Hripsimé Visser, Turner 1775–1851, exhibition catalogue, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague 1978, p.102 no.68, as ‘Scene on the English Coast’, reproduced.
John Gage, Exposicion del gran pintor ingles, William Turner: Oleos y acuarelas: Collecciones de la Tate Gallery, British Museum y otros museos ingleses, exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City 1979, reproduced p.48, p.61 no.BM66, as ‘Escena de la costa inglesa’, c.1820.
John Gage and Ana T. de Gradowska, Oleos y acuarelas de Joseph Mallord William Turner, exhibition catalogue, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela 1979, p.[25] no.BM 66, as ‘Escena de la costa inglesa’, c.1820.
Eric Shanes, Turner’s Watercolour Explorations 1810–1842, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1997, p.61 under no.43, ibid. no.44, as ‘Study for “Deal, Kent”?’, c.1825, reproduced in colour p.62, pp.94 Appendix I under ‘Brighton’, 100 Appendix I under ‘Ports of England series’, 102 Appendix I ‘Southern Coast of England series’.
Peter Bower, Turner’s Later Papers: A Study of the Manufacture, Selection and Use of his Drawing Papers 1820–1851, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1999, pp.42 under no.15, 43 note 1.
James Hamilton, Making Painting: Helen Frankenthaler and J.M.W. Turner, exhibition catalogue, Turner Contemporary, Margate 2014, p.84 no.24, as ‘?Study for “Deal, Kent”’, c.1825.
From the ‘size and colouring of this watercolour, plus its general distribution of masses’, Eric Shanes has linked this ‘colour beginning’ to the watercolour Deal, Kent of about 1825 (Deal Town Council),1 which was engraved in 1826 (Tate impressions: T04422, T05236–T05237, T05998) for the Southern Coast project2 (see the Introduction to this section). Shanes continues:
the distribution of warm and cool colours is very similar ... a thin watercolour stroke at the right perhaps indicates the sinking vessel that is placed on the right of the Southern Coast composition; some vertical strokes in the middle might stand for the flagpoles ... and five bold diagonal strokes on the left surely indicate the Deal luggers that are being run down the beach in the final drawing.3
The composition is based on various pencil sketches looking north along the beach in the
1825 Holland sketchbook, including Tate D19383 and D19387 (Tate CCXIV 274, 276). Other works in the present section linked less directly with the Southern Coast watercolour are Tate D25426, D25437 and D36117 (Turner Bequest CCLXIII 303, 314, CCCLXIV 270), while Tate D25477 (Turner Bequest CCLXIII 354) may represent an idea for a composition including nearby Walmer Castle.
1825 Holland sketchbook, including Tate D19383 and D19387 (Tate CCXIV 274, 276). Other works in the present section linked less directly with the Southern Coast watercolour are Tate D25426, D25437 and D36117 (Turner Bequest CCLXIII 303, 314, CCCLXIV 270), while Tate D25477 (Turner Bequest CCLXIII 354) may represent an idea for a composition including nearby Walmer Castle.
Technical notes:
The bright sky between the clouds and waves has been left as blank paper to maximise the contrast. Eric Shanes has drawn stylistic parallels between this study and numerous other ‘colour beginnings’ of coastal subjects (Tate D25365, D25383, D25393, D25422, D25426, D25437, D25477, D36117; Turner Bequest CCLXIII 243, 260, 270, 299, 303, 314, 354, CCCLXIV 270), even suggesting they ‘may have been created during the same session of work’; he notes that of these the present work and Tate D25393 and D25477, as well as Tate D25370 (Turner Bequest CCLXIII 248) are on similar ‘half-sheets of writing paper that were folded together after being torn into those halves, the folds still being visible’,1 as seen down the centre here.
Although Tate D25477 is watermarked 1822 and noted by Shanes as such, he suggests without further comment that the present sheet was part of an initial larger piece watermarked 1824.2 Paper conservator Peter Bower has analysed D25477 in more detail, describing it as of ‘very good quality lightweight writing paper ... typical of the notepapers available ... sold folded, in quires of twenty-four sheets at a time’, the format being ‘Post Quarto folded to Post Octavo’.3 He identifies the maker as William Weatherley, of Chartham Mill, Chartham, near Canterbury in Kent,4 and notes: ‘Three other sheets in the Bequest are also on the same paper, possibly originally making up the four quarters of the whole sheet’ these being Tate D25370, D25393 and D25477,5 as previously listed by Shanes.
Blank; inscribed by ?John Ruskin in pencil ‘AB [...] P | O’ bottom right; inscribed in pencil ‘42’ at centre, ascending vertically; inscribed in pencil ‘CCLXIII | 287’ bottom right; stamped in black with Turner Bequest monogram over ‘CCLXIII – 287’ towards bottom left; inscribed in pencil D25410’ bottom left.
Matthew Imms
July 2016
How to cite
Matthew Imms, ‘Deal, Kent c.1825 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, July 2016, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, February 2017, https://www