Joseph Mallord William Turner The High Street, Oxford c.1825-39
Joseph Mallord William Turner,
The High Street, Oxford
Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775–1851
The High Street, Oxford c.1825–39
Turner Bequest CCLXIII 3
Turner Bequest CCLXIII 3
Watercolour on white wove paper, 305 x 485 mm laid down on white laid paper trimmed to the same dimensions
Watermark ‘J Whatman | 1816’
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram towards bottom centre
Stamped in black ‘CCLXIII – 3’ bottom right
Watermark ‘J Whatman | 1816’
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram towards bottom centre
Stamped in black ‘CCLXIII – 3’ bottom right
Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
Exhibition history
Internationale tentoonstelling de aquarel, 1800–1950, Stedelijk Museum Het Prinsenhof, Delft, March–May 1952 (catalogue not seen).
Turner 1775–1851, Royal Academy, London, November 1974–March 1975 (444, as ‘The High Street, Oxford’, c.1830–5).
Turner 1775–1851, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, December 1978–February 1979 (52, reproduced, as c.1820–30).
Exposicion del gran pintor ingles, William Turner: Oleos y acuarelas: Collecciones de la Tate Gallery, British Museum y otros museos ingleses, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, August–September 1979 (BM 50, as ‘High Street, Oxford’, c.1830–6).
Oleos y acuarelas de Joseph Mallord William Turner, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, October[–?November] 1979 (BM 50, as c.1820–30).
J.M.W. Turner: Studies for Finished Watercolours (c.1825–40): Watercolours from the Turner Bequest, Loaned by the British Museum, Tate Gallery, London, January–June 1983 (no catalogue).
Turner: The Fifth Decade: Watercolours 1830–1840, Tate Gallery, London, February–May 1992 (23, as ‘Colour Study: The High Street, Oxford’, ?c.1820–5).
Turner’s Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, June–September 2000 (56, reproduced in colour, as ‘High Street: Oxford: Colour Beginning’, c.1835–8).
Turner: Works on Paper, Tate Britain, London, April 2013–ongoing (no catalogue).
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.II, p.814, CCLXIII 3, as ‘Oxford High Street, with St. Mary’s and Carfax in distance’. c.1820–30.
Martin Butlin, Andrew Wilton and John Gage, Turner 1775–1851, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy, London 1974, pp.26, 125 no.444, as ‘The High Street, Oxford’. c.1830–5.
Andrew Wilton, J.M.W. Turner: His Life and Work, Fribourg 1979, pp.187, 191 note 31.
Pierre Rouve, Turner, étude de structures, Paris 1980, reproduced in colour, p.38 as ‘Oxford: Grand Rue’ 1830–5.
Patrick Youngblood, ‘The Stones of Oxford: Turner’s Depiction of Oxonian Architecture 1787–1804 and After’, Turner Studies, vol.3, no.2, Winter 1984, p.18.
John Gage, J.M.W. Turner: ‘A Wonderful Range of Mind’, New Haven and London 1987, fig.116A (colour). as c.1832–5.
Eric Shanes, Turner’s England 1810–38, London 1990, pp.260 under no.225, 286 note 205.
Anne Lyles, Turner: The Fifth Decade: Watercolours 1830–1840, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1992, pp.56–8 no.23, reproduced, as ‘Colour Study: The High Street, Oxford’. ?c.1820–5.
Eric Shanes, Turner’s Watercolour Explorations 1810–1842, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1997, pp.19, 26, 86, 95 Appendix I under ‘England and Wales Series’, as ‘Sketch of Oxford High Street’. c.1825, p.100 under ‘Oxford’, as ‘Sketch for an England and Wales series view of Oxford High Street’. c.1825, p.104 Appendix II, as ‘Sketch: Oxford High Street’.
Colin Harrison, Turner’s Oxford, exhibition catalogue, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 2000, pp.91, 105 no.56, as ‘High Street: Oxford: Colour Beginning’. c.1835–8), pl.24 (colour).
This is one of five loose colour studies (the others being Tate D25126, D25127, D25228, D25485; Turner Bequest CCLXIII 4, 5, 106, 362) showing the view west up Oxford’s High Street, comparable with that seen in the oil painting High Street, Oxford, exhibited in 1810 (private collection, on loan to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)1 and engraved in 1812 (no Tate impressions). A sixth shows the view in the opposite direction (Tate D36316; Turner Bequest CCCLXV 26).
Andrew Wilton has suggested that the group of five was made between about 1830 and 1835, based on a pencil drawing in the 1830 Kenilworth sketchbook (Tate D21976; Turner Bequest CCXXXVIII 1a),2 made from the junction with Queen’s Lane, with The Queen’s College in the right foreground, University College further down the High Street on the left, the spire of St Mary’s Church beyond All Souls College on the right, and the spire of All Saints Church in the distance. There are separate sketches showing variations on the view, made in about 1798 (Tate D00666, D08219; Turner Bequest XXVII E, CXX F) and two later ones in the Oxford sketchbook, in use between about 1834 and 18383 (Tate D27903, D27908; Turner Bequest CCLXXXV 2a, 5a). Anne Lyles has noted that the Kenilworth sketch only corresponds closely with D25126 and D25228 (CCLXIII 4, 106).4
Wilton’s suggestion that the five colour studies were ‘almost certainly preliminary exercises’ towards a design for Turner’s Picturesque Views in England and Wales has been followed by later commentators;5 his assertion that ‘the whole group was evidently done at one sitting’6 seems feasible. However, his dating of all five to the early 1830s is rendered impossible by the 1837 watermark of D25485 (CCLXIII 362), as is John Gage’s ‘c.1832/5’,7 relating them to the watercolour Christ Church College, Oxford of about 1832 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford),8 engraved in that year for England and Wales (Tate impressions: T05094, T06108).
Lyles has suggested that the five studies actually represent two campaigns, with the present work (watermarked 1816) and D25127 (CCLXIII 5) having been made as early as ‘?c.1820–5’, and the others (including the one watermarked 1837) around ‘1837–9’.9 The first two, with their ‘colder colour ranges of blues, yellows and greys’,10 might have been for England and Wales, but as the project concluded prematurely in 1838 she argues that Turner would be have been unlikely to embark on further studies after 1837. Instead she proposes that the three further studies, with their common ‘pinks, purples and blues’, might have been intended for a central Oxford counterpoint to the watercolour (Manchester Art Gallery)11 commissioned by the Oxford printseller James Ryman and engraved in 1841 as Oxford from North Hinksey.12 Tate D25220 (Turner Bequest CCLXIII 98) is a colour study related to the latter.
Eric Shanes has acknowledged the possibility of two phases of High Street views, without making any link from the second to Oxford from North Hinksey.13 (See the introduction to this Oxford subsection for connections between a colour study for the latter and other views in the city.) He has suggested that the existence of five variants suggests that Turner ‘encountered some fundamental problem with the design’.14 Colin Harrison has noted that the extensive studies show that ‘Turner attached a great deal of importance to this new view’, assuming that the five all date to the later 1830s, along with other Oxford colour studies: ‘They cannot be placed in any logical order, and, while some compositions correspond more closely with the sketches in the “Oxford” sketchbook, this is almost accidental.’15
An overall range of about 1825–39 has been assigned here to encompass the two schools of thought, approximately corresponding also with the period of Turner’s engagement with the England and Wales project. See also the introductions to the present subsection of identified but unrealised Oxford subjects and the overall England and Wales ‘colour beginnings’ grouping to which this work has been assigned.
Blank (laid down and not examined).
Blank (laid down and not examined).
Matthew Imms
March 2013
How to cite
Matthew Imms, ‘The High Street, Oxford c.1825–39 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, March 2013, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2013, https://www