Joseph Mallord William Turner The Junction of the Severn and the Wye c.1806
Joseph Mallord William Turner,
The Junction of the Severn and the Wye
Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775–1851
The Junction of the Severn and the Wye circa 1806
Turner Bequest CXVII E
Turner Bequest CXVII E
Watercolour on off-white wove writing paper, 182 x 260 mm
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram bottom right
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram bottom right
Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
Exhibition history
National Gallery, London, various dates to at least 1904 (495, as ‘The Wye and Severn’).
The Liber Studiorum by Turner: Drawings, Etchings, and First State Mezzotint Engravings with Some Additional Engravers’ Proofs and 51 of the Original Copperplates, National Gallery, Millbank [Tate Gallery], London, November 1921–November 1922 (not in catalogue).
Original Drawings, Etchings, Mezzotints, and Copperplates for the “Liber Studiorum” by J.M.W. Turner, R.A., Whitworth Institute Art Galleries, Manchester, December 1922–March 1923 (not in catalogue).
The Art of Claude Lorrain, Arts Council, Hayward Gallery, London, November–December 1969 (176).
Turner: Watercolours Lent by the British Museum, Musée Provisoire d’Art Moderne, Brussels, November 1970–January 1971 (8).
La Peinture romantique anglaise et les Préraphaélites, Petit Palais, Paris, January–April 1972 (287, reproduced).
Turner 1775–1851, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, December 1978–February 1979 (21, reproduced).
Exposicion del gran pintor ingles, William Turner: Oleos y acuarelas: Collecciones de la Tate Gallery, British Museum y otros museos ingleses, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, August–September 1979 (BM20).
Oleos y acuarelas de Joseph Mallord William Turner, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, October[–?November] 1979 (BM 20).
Etching, aquatint and mezzotint by Turner, untitled, published Turner, [?1] June 1811
Etching, aquatint and mezzotint by Turner, untitled, published Turner, [?1] June 1811
John Burnet and Peter Cunningham, Turner and his Works: Illustrated with Examples from his Pictures, and Critical Remarks on his Principles of Painting, 2nd ed., revised by Henry Murray, London 1859, p.121 no.8.
Walter Thornbury, The Life of J.M.W. Turner, R.A. Founded on Letters and Papers Furnished by his Friends and Fellow-Academicians, London 1862 [1861], vol.II, p.388 no.35, as ‘The Wye and the Severn’.
Turner’s Liber Studiorum. Second Series. Photographs from Twenty-One Original Drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A. in the South Kensington Museum. Published under the Authority of the Department of Science and Art, London and Manchester 1862, reproduced pl.[4], as ‘The Wye and the Severn’.
[J.E. Taylor and Henry Vaughan], Exhibition Illustrative of Turner’s Liber Studiorum, Containing Choice Impressions of the First States, Etchings, Touched Proofs, together with the Unpublished Plates, and a Few Original Drawings for the Work, exhibition catalogue, Burlington Fine Arts Club, London 1872, p.28 under no.28.
W[illiam] G[eorge] Rawlinson, Turner’s Liber Studiorum, A Description and a Catalogue, London 1878, p.62 under no.28, ‘Junction of Severn and Wye’.
Rev. Stopford [Augustus] Brooke, Notes on the Liber Studiorum of J.M.W. Turner, R.A., revised ed., London 1885, pp.[93]–5.
Walter Thornbury, The Life of J.M.W. Turner, R.A. Founded on Letters and Papers Furnished by his Friends and Fellow-Academicians: A New Edition, London 1897, p.584 no.35, as ‘The Wye and the Severn’.
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn eds., Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume XIII: Turner: The Harbours of England; Catalogues and Notes, London 1904, p.632 no.495, as ‘The Wye and Severn’.
W[illiam] G[eorge] Rawlinson, Turner’s Liber Studiorum, A Description and a Catalogue. Second Edition, Revised Throughout, London 1906, p.73 under no.28, ‘Junction of Severn and Wye’.
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.I, p.319, CXVII E, as ‘Junction of Severn and Wye’.
Untitled typescript list of works relating to 1921 and 1922 Liber Studiorum exhibitions, [circa 1921], Tate exhibition files, Tate Archive TG 92/9/2, p.2.
Alexander J. Finberg, The History of Turner’s Liber Studiorum with a New Catalogue Raisonné, London 1924, reproduced p.[110], p.111 under no.28.
Jean Selz, Turner, Naefels 1977, reproduced p.62.
Gillian Forrester, Turner’s ‘Drawing Book’: The Liber Studiorum, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1996, pp.28, 78 no.28i, reproduced p.79, pp.110, 160, 161.
Gillian Forrester, David Hill, Matthew Imms and others, Reisen mit William Turner: J.M.W. Turner: Das Liber Studiorum, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Stihl, Waiblingen 2008, p.94.
Chepstow Castle, Monmouthshire, in the middle distance, dates from the late eleventh century. Turner’s viewpoint for his Liber Studiorum design is from Piercefield Park (the grounds of a house remodelled by John Soane in the 1780s) on the Welsh side, looking south along the Wye – with Gloucestershire to the left – to where it enters the Severn Estuary about three miles away at the point now traversed by the Severn Road Bridge, and on towards South Gloucestershire on the horizon. As Gillian Forrester notes,1 this very prospect had been described in detail by the printmaker and theorist of Picturesque landscape, the Rev. William Gilpin (1724–1804) in his popular Observations on the River Wye and Several Parts of South Wales ... (London 1782), although he actually declared it to be romantic but unpicturesque, so that Turner’s ‘inclusion of this plate ... could be interpreted as an anti-Picturesque gesture’2 at a time when his own pictorial theories were evolving.
On his 1798 tour of Wales, Turner had made a sketch of the distant part of this view, worked up in colour in the Hereford Court sketchbook (Tate D01335; Turner Bequest XXXVIII 81), but with the foreground left undeveloped and Chepstow itself much less prominent. A second Liber composition of Chepstow, River Wye (see Tate D08152; Turner Bequest CXVII X), shows the castle from a similar angle but from much closer, though Turner apparently derived the simplified silhouette in the present design from the same sketch used for the more detailed view – in the Dynevor Castle sketchbook, also of 1798 (Tate D01624, D01626; Turner Bequest XL 93–94). Either of the Chepstow designs may be the one mentioned in a letter from Turner to F.C. Lewis, at the time Lewis was involved briefly with the Liber, engraving his one plate, Bridge and Goats, in reverse (see under Tate D08146; Turner Bequest CXVII R). Turner wrote of a further drawing he had sent: ‘The new one is a view of Chepstow therefore must not be Reversed but made like the drawing.’3
In 1790, Edward Dayes had depicted a similar view in watercolour, though with Chepstow reduced to an inconspicuous line of rooftops in the trees, and unexotic cattle and horses grazing in the foreground;4 Turner may have known F. Jukes’s sepia aquatint of the composition, similar in scale to the Liber Studiorum prints, published in 1802 as ... Distant View of Chepstow, with the Confluence of the Rivers Wye and Severn, one of a series of Views on the River Wye after Dayes.5
The published plate was untitled; the present title is the customary one established in print by Rawlinson in 1878.6 The composition is recorded, as ‘5[:] 2 E.P. Chepstow’, in the Liber Notes (2) sketchbook (Tate D12157; Turner Bequest CLIV (a) 24), in a draft schedule of the first ten parts of the Liber (D12156–D12158; CLIV (a) 23a–24a)7 dated by Finberg and Forrester to before the middle of 1808.8 It also appears later in the sketchbook, as ‘My Chepstow’, in a list of published and unpublished ‘EP’ subjects (Tate D12162; Turner Bequest CLIV (a) 26a).9
The Liber Studiorum etching, aquatint and mezzotint engraving, by Turner alone (the first published Liber plate entirely by himself), bears the publication date June 1811 and was issued to subscribers in part 6 (Rawlinson/Finberg nos.27–31;10 see also Tate N02941 and D08133, D08134, D08135; Turner Bequest CXVII F, G, H). Tate holds impressions of the preliminary outline etching (Tate A00966) and the published engraving (A00967). It is one of eleven published Liber subjects in Turner’s ‘EP’ category, likely to indicate ‘Elevated Pastoral’ (see general Liber introduction, and drawings Tate D08103, D08112, D08117, D08122, D08128, D08137, D08141, D08146, D08147, D08152, D08155, D08159, D08163, D08168; Turner Bequest CXVI B, K, P, U, CXVII A, J, N, R, S, X, CXVIII A, Vaughan Bequest E, I, N).
Towards the end of his career, Turner used this composition as the basis of one of a series of oil paintings reinterpreting the Liber, perhaps prompted by his limited reprinting of the engravings in 1845 (see general Liber introduction for details); the painting, Landscape with a River and a Bay in the Distance (Paysage avec une rivière et une baie dans le lointain), is the only Turner oil in a French collection (Musée du Louvre, Paris).11
Thomas Lupton is said to have left unfinished an etched and possibly engraved facsimile of the print as one of an unpublished series for the London dealer Colnaghi between 1858 and 186512 (see general Liber introduction).
Rawlinson 1878, p.183, letter no.2; John Gage, Collected Correspondence of J.M.W. Turner with an Early Diary and a Memoir by George Jones, Oxford 1980, p.33, letter no.19, as ?early 1807; see also Forrester 1996, pp.50, 51 note 5 (favouring the present work).
Technical notes:
The sheet is not watermarked, but its batch has been identified as ‘1794 | J Whatman’;1 it appears greyer than some other Liber watercolours since the support has not yellowed from light exposure. Any pencil drawing is very sketchy, if present at all. Watercolour and a fine brush were used for the ‘pen and ink’-like outlines. More water was added to the paper for the lighter, washier areas. The overall cool brown colour results from the umber pigment.2 The lower left foreground includes a few strokes of wash which were developed into a seated figure in the subsequent print. The techniques and materials are similar to those used for two other early Liber drawings: The Castle above the Meadows (Tate D08112; Turner Bequest CXVI K) and Bridge and Goats (Tate D08146; Turner Bequest CXVII R).3
Blank, save for inscriptions.
Inscribed in pencil ‘15’ [circled] centre, and ‘495 | Wye Chepstow | E’ centre right
Stamped in black ‘[crown] | N•G | CXVII – E’ bottom left
Stamped in black ‘[crown] | N•G | CXVII – E’ bottom left
Matthew Imms
August 2008
How to cite
Matthew Imms, ‘The Junction of the Severn and the Wye c.1806 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, August 2008, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012, https://www