J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours

ISBN 978-1-84976-386-8

Miscellaneous Vignette Studies c.1832–42

Turner Bequest CCLXIII 342–343,CCLXXX 3–4, 20, verso of 20, 3–24, verso of 24, 25, 73, 80–81, 84, 96–98, 118, 135–136, 140–142, CCCLXIV 302
In addition to the watercolour vignettes associated with Rogers’s Italy (1830), Rogers’s Poems (1834), Campbell’s Poetical Works (1837) and Thomas Moore’s The Epicurean, a Tale, and Alciphron (1839), the Turner Bequest contains a number of miscellaneous studies which also appear to be associated with literary projects. The studies range widely in style, palette, and subject matter. A number of the sketches have been identified, or tentatively identified, as studies for illustrations to Byron’s Life and Works (1832–3), Scott’s Life of Napoleon (1835) and The Poetical Works of Milton (1835). Also included here are a two related groups for unidentified projects: the first is comprised of views of Continental cities; the second group contains four studies of fish and marine life.1 In most cases, the compositions are contained within a soft-edged or circular format, suggesting that they were designed as potential vignettes.
Recorded in the National Gallery Archive, Schedule of 1854, ‘Parcel #62’.
The group of works is comprised as follows:
Tate Accession NumberTurner Bequest (Finberg) NumberSuggested vignette series
D27537CCLXXX 20Byron
D40315Verso of CCLXXX 20Byron
D27590CCLXXX 73Scott
D27635CCLXXX 118Milton
D27614CCLXXX 97Milton
D27597CCLXXX 80Milton
D27540CCLXXX 23Unidentified Continental landscape
D27542CCLXXX 25Unidentified Continental landscape
D27601CCLXXX 84Unidentified Continental landscape
D27613CCLXXX 96Unidentified Continental landscape
D27615CCLXXX 98Unidentified Continental landscape
D27657CCLXXX 140Unidentified Continental landscape
D27658CCLXXX 141Unidentified Continental landscape
D27652CCLXXX 135Unidentified Continental landscape
D27659CCLXXX 142Unidentified Continental landscape
D27541CCLXXX 24Unidentified Continental landscape
D40316Verso of CCLXXX 24 Unidentified Continental landscape
D27653CCLXXX 136Unidentified Continental landscape
D27598CCLXXX 81Unidentified Continental landscape
D27520CCLXXX 3Unidentified coastal project
D27521CCLXXX 4Unidentified coastal project
D25465CCLXIII 342Unidentified coastal project
D25466CCLXIII 343Unidentified coastal project
Note: In the course of ongoing cataloguing, in 2016 Tate D36159 (Turner Bequest CCCLXIV 302), a scene of a fish market at sunset, although not a vignette, has been added here as possibly relating to the last four works listed above.

Meredith Gamer
August 2006

Revised by Matthew Imms
September 2016

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How to cite

Meredith Gamer, ‘Miscellaneous Vignette Studies c.1832–42’, subset, August 2006, revised by Matthew Imms, September 2016, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/jmw-turner/miscellaneous-vignette-studies-r1133855, accessed 14 February 2025.