The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1



1922Frank Rutter, Some Contemporary Artists, L. Parsons, London 1922. Sections on Lucien Pissarro, Walter Sickert, Augustus John, Harold Gilman and Spencer Gore, Charles Ginner, Wyndham Lewis and Henry Lamb.
1927Frank Rutter, Since I was Twenty-Five, Constable, London 1927, pp.185–93.
1933 Frank Rutter, Art in my Time, Rich & Cowan, London 1933, pp.154–9.
1952John Rothenstein, Modern English Painters: Sickert to Smith, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London 1952. Sections on Walter Sickert, Harold Gilman, Charles Ginner and Spencer Gore.
1958John Rothenstein, The Moderns and Their World, Phoenix House Limited, London 1958, pp.20–1.
1967Quentin Bell, Victorian Artists, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1967, pp.85–94.
1975Perspectives: Art Gallery Catalogue Series No. 2 – The Camden Town Group, Southampton Art Gallery 1975.
1977Wendy Baron, Miss Ethel Sands and Her Circle, Peter Owen, London 1977, pp.60–90.
1978Dennis Farr, English Art, 1870–1940, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1978, pp.197–9.
1979Wendy Baron, The Camden Town Group, Scolar Press, London 1979.
1980Simon Watney, English Post-Impressionism, Studio Vista, London 1980.
1981Charles Harrison, ‘From New English to Camden Town’, English Art and Modernism, 1900–1939, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1981, pp.19–44.
1992Maureen Connett, Walter Sickert and the Camden Town Group, David and Charles, Newton Abbas 1992. Foreword by Bernard Dunstran.
1996Wendy Baron, ‘Camden Town Group’, in Jane Turner (ed.), The Dictionary of Art, Grove, New York 1996, vol.5, pp.516–18.
1998Denys J. Wilcox, The London Group 1913–1939, unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol 1998.
2000Lisa Tickner, ‘Walter Sickert: The Camden Town Murder and Tabloid Crime’, Modern Life & Modern Subjects: British Art in the Early Twentieth Century, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2000, pp.10–47.
2004David Peters Corbett, ‘Walter Sickert: Surface and Modernity’ and ‘The Aesthetics of Materiality: English Modernism before 1914’, The World in Paint: Modern Art and Visuality in England, 1848–1914, Manchester University Press, Manchester 2004, pp.169–261.
2006Valerie Webb, The Camden Town Group: Representations of Class and Gender in Paintings of London Interiors, Parker Art Press, Guildford 2006.
2007David Dewing, Home and Garden: Paintings and Drawings of English, Middle-class, Urban Domestic Spaces 1914–2006, Geffrye Museum, London 2007, pp.39, 64–7, 72–3, 136.
2009Nicola Moorby, ‘London to Brighton: The Indian Summer of the Camden Town Group’, in Alexandra Harris and Lara Feigel (eds.), Modernism-on-Sea, Peter Lang, Oxford 2009, pp.55–70.
2010Steven Barfield and Anne Witchard (eds.), ‘Special Section: London and the Camden Town Group’, Literary London Journal, vol.8, no.1, March 2010,

How to cite

‘Books, Bibliography’, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 20 September 2024.