You might like Left Right A Cornfield with Figures Formerly attributed to John Constable date not known Nature Blowing Bubbles for her Children William Hilton the Younger exhibited 1821 ‘Summer, Afternoon - After a Shower’ Doubtfully attributed to John Constable date not known Maria Bicknell, Mrs John Constable John Constable 1816 The Duchess of Abercorn and Child Sir Edwin Henry Landseer 1834–6 Mrs James Andrew John Constable 1818 The Bridges Family John Constable 1804 Maria Bicknell John Constable c.1805–9 Golding Constable John Constable 1815 Ann Constable John Constable c.1800–5 or ?c.1815 Mary Ann Bridges at the Harpsichord with Two of her Sisters John Constable c.1804 Landscape, trees and meadows. Verso: Four Studies of Children John Constable date not known