You might like Left Right Three Sketches Showing Hammerstein, Looking Upstream from the West Bank beneath or soon after Rheineck; (3) Showing Andernach in the Distance Joseph Mallord William Turner 1817 (1) Andernach, Looking Downstream to Namedy, with the Watch Tower; (2) Andernach, Looking Downstream from the Landing-Stage by the Crane towards Hammerstein and Leutsdorf; (3) Leutsdorf; (4) The Crane at Andernach with Hammerstein in Right Distance Joseph Mallord William Turner 1817 Three Sketches from a Boat on the Rhine, above and below Andernach: (1) The Waterfront at Andernach with the Watch Tower and Crane; (2) The Waterfront at Andernach, Looking Downstream; (3) View upstream past Hammerstein to Andernach Joseph Mallord William Turner 1817 (1) Houses; (2) Hammerstein and Andernach, Looking Upstream from the West Bank towards Leutesdorf, with Travellers on the Road; (3) Andernach, Looking Downstream from the Landing-Stage at the Rhine Gate towards the Watch Tower and the Crane Joseph Mallord William Turner 1817 The Rhine under Hammerstein, Looking Downstream from the West Bank Joseph Mallord William Turner 1817 Hammerstein, Looking Upstream, and with Andernach in the Distance; Burg Rheineck, Looking Downstream, and with Sailing Boats Joseph Mallord William Turner 1824 Views on Rhine. Erin (Ehrenbreitstein), Rheineck, Ham [Turner] (Hammerstein) Joseph Mallord William Turner c.1837–41 Hammerstein; Buildings on the River Front at Andernach; Andernach from the Rhine; View down the Rhine from Rhens towards Schloss Stolzenfels and the Martinsburg at Oberlahnstein; The Marxburg from the Rhine, Looking Upstream Joseph Mallord William Turner 1833 ?The East Bank of the Rhine near Andernach; Andernach, Looking Upstream, with Boats; Anderach, Looking Upstream, with Boats The Rhine near the Marxburg Joseph Mallord William Turner 1833 Hammerstein, Looking down the River Rhine Joseph Mallord William Turner 1840 Hammerstein, Looking down the River Rhine Joseph Mallord William Turner 1840 Hammerstein, Looking down the River Rhine from near Andernach Joseph Mallord William Turner 1840