Turner Prize 1988 artists: Richard Long

English sculptor, photographer and painter. Within a year of his departure from St Martin's, Long was closely associated with the emergence of a new art form, Land art, having already produced such works as A Line Made by Walking (1967; London, Tate), a photograph of the trail left in the grass by walking back and forth in a straight line.

Richard Long CBE
A Line Made by Walking (1967)
ARTIST ROOMS Tate and National Galleries of Scotland

Long made his international reputation during the 1970s with sculptures made as the result of epic walks, sometimes lasting many days, to remote parts of the world. Guided by a great respect for nature and by the formal structure of basic shapes, especially circles, he never allowed facile exotic connotations to intrude into his work, although some of his sculptures evoked the mysterious connotations of ancient stone circles and other such monuments.
