Organisations: LUX

Black and white image of Lux logo which consists of the word Lux and a geometric circle above it

LUX logo 2016 

LUX is an international arts agency for the support and promotion of artists’ moving image practice and the ideas that surround it. LUX exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work; to provide professional development support for artists working with the moving image; and to contribute to and develop discourse around practice. The particular focus of LUX is visual arts-based moving image work – a definition which includes experimental film, video art, installation art, performance art, personal documentary, essay films and animation and is inclusive both in terms of context and critical discourse. 

From 18 March–15 April 2016, LUX will take part in a month-long residency at Tate St Ives, as part of the Tate St Ives Artists Programme. LUX will be in residence at the historic Porthmeor Studios, which will act as a space for research, reflection and production as well as a base for its public programme. Over the course of four weeks, LUX will re-centre its core activities in the region, delivering a programme of screenings, discussions, workshops, touring projects, and artist support and professional development initiatives that have been specifically conceived in response to the Cornish context. 

About the LUX residency programme

The LUX residency programme aims to map out a history of artists’ moving image practice in the region, considering what might constitute a Cornish tradition of visual culture through conversations with artists, venues and audiences. Working in collaboration with a network of partnering organisations across the region, LUX will develop a touring film project that explores potential resonances with specific communities and places. Other highlights of the programme include a weekend of screenings and events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the London Filmmakers Co-operative – a primary organisation in LUX’s historical lineage – to introduce new audiences to key holdings within its collection. LUX’s educational and artist support programme will include an introductory theoretical course on artists’ moving image; an analogue filmmaking workshop; a series of professional practice seminars and one-on-one feedback sessions for artists. 

Prior to their residency at Tate St Ives, LUX will contribute to a series of events and initiatives in the South West in March 2016, including The Cornwall Workshop, a week-long intensive workshop led by acclaimed British artist and filmmaker Ben Rivers and organised by CAST, and a mini-festival of artists’ moving image at Arnolfini in Bristol, organised in partnership with the Independent Cinema Office (ICO).

About LUX as an organisation

LUX is the only organisation of its kind in the UK, representing the country’s only significant collection of artists’ film and video. It is the largest distributor of such work in Europe, representing over 7,000 works by approximately 1,500 artists from the 1920s to the present day. In addition to distribution, LUX’s core activities include organising screenings and exhibitions, touring projects, commissioning new work, publishing, delivering educational and professional development initiatives, and providing research support and resources for curators, academics and arts professionals. 

Founded in 2002, LUX builds on a lineage of predecessor organisations, including The London Filmmakers Co-operative, London Video Arts and The Lux Centre, with a history stretching back to the 1960s. LUX is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, and is currently a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England.

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