Explore the growing Story Space book collection, celebrating books that centre children of colour, featuring books by black authors, indigenous authors and authors of colour from around the world. Story Space also includes books by authors and about characters who have protected characteristics such as disability, sexual orientation and religion/ belief.
Read to yourself, to someone else, with each other, out loud. Once you’ve discovered some new stories, tell your own story through our dress-up and drawing activities!
Looking for inspiration for stories of your own? Take a look round the galleries and discover ideas for new characters and settings.
Story Space Events
Please note, we no longer run monthly Read Alouds.
During term-time Story Space is used independently by local community groups St. Vincent's Family Project and Culturetree and the Art Fund/Nesta Mini Wonders programme. Please contact local@tate.org.uk for more information about this offer.
Curated by Tate’s Early Years and Families’ team in collaboration with Tate Children’s Publishing. Graphics by Jade Wheaton. Facilitated by Tate’s Family Engagement Assistants.
Our book collection has grown in collaboration with the support of Roundtable Books, New Beacon Books and other independent bookstores/ publishers.